
Your Website is your home

You may enjoy travelling, but you are glad to return home and invite friends. Your home is the centre of your activities. That’s exactly what your website should be like – the centre of everything. You may roam the spaces of facebook, Twitter, and all the rest of it, but you can’t do without a website. That’s where you keep all the information your fans want to be given, and that’s the place that guides them to your other channels

Do you have your own website?

For a singer/musician it’s more than just „nice“ to have a website – it has become standard. If you created your own website, or had it created by someone else a long time ago, then you ought to make sure if it still works and if it is up to date. Which means it must be responsive to all sorts of terminals or gadgets – tablets, smartphones and the like.

Let me look!

If you’re not sure whether your web appearance is still up to date and meets modern technological requirements, you’re welcome to contact me and I will have a look. Take advantage of your free 30-minute skype session and make an appointment.

Then at least you know where you are at the moment and it’s for you to decide whether you want to stay there, or move ahead.

You don’t have a Website?

Well, it’s about time. You want to reach your fans and display a professional appearance to promoters and agents, and you want to make sure they all get caught in your „net“ (pun intended). And no, a facebook page won’t do. What if they switch the thing off? Then all your fans are gone. You wouldn’t want this to happen, would you?

Do it yourself

In this case, „doing it yourself“ is neither the most convenient nor the most efficient way to do it. Sure, you may try and use all kinds of existing tools to start your enterprise, provided you have lots of time on your hands, and some technical knowledge. You can work your way through CMS systems such as WordPress or Joomla or try some of the kit systems they are advertising here and there but …

Let me do it

If you prefer spending your valuable time writing songs or drinking beer, then let me do it. I am using WordPress and, more important, I know what a website should be like.

How do we reach our goal together?

  • Together, we want to find out what is already there and what you still need (domain, webspace, photos, videos …)
  • We want to find a suitable WordPress theme
  • I will install WordPress for you
  • You send me your logo, photos, videos, texts, gig dates etc. while I adapt the graphic layout
  • After the layout gets your blessing you receive an initial version with all the contents
  • You are happy about what you are seeing? All right then, the thing goes online!

How much?

From € 1.380,-  VAT included

So, at last, you have decided to become visible to your fans and event managers?

Make an appointment NOW. Call me or send an email.

More information on:

Free-30-minute skype checkReferences | Marketing Buddy